2012年12月24日 星期一

不可預見遲延的責任風險(Liability for unforeseeable delay)




然貨主當初與運送人雙方即已經約定由荷蘭阿姆斯特丹港運送乙批「螢(礦)石」(fluorspar到德國,祇是當時航程中的部分段落,即Ems[1]的部分因為幾天前所發生的航行意外事故,導致有河道堵塞的情況發生。祇是在發生河道阻塞的情況後2被告與原告運送人即行訂定書面的貨物運送契約freight agreement)。簽約之后的隔日,運送人即行展開運送任務,在阿姆斯特丹港將貨物載運上船。當貨物裝載完畢后,即行出港開往原預定的目的港。祇是運送人開航后,Ems河因為之前的航行意外事故仍舊無法進行正常的導航作業unnavigable即仍屬斷航的狀態),遂導致船舶必須留滯在Emden10而無法動作




針對此一議題(面對一「不可預見」的航道變更,因而所產生的責任,應該要由誰來負擔的問題),德國地方法院在一審判決中,判定運送人勝訴,即此一不可歸責於雙方當事人的風險,應該要由「貨主」來負擔。然在上訴二審的過程中,承審法官卻有不同的看法。導致原告運送人不服,決定再繼續上訴到「德國聯邦最高法院」(the Federal Court of Justice of Germany[2]其要求聯邦法院最後能夠附和一審地方法院所為結論的企圖昭然若揭



德國聯邦最高法院在庭審之后,最後仍決定支持二審上訴法院的決定,而駁回了運送人的索賠要求。依據此一結論,運送人依德國商法(the Commercial Code420條第3項的規定[3]運送人除了當初與貨主所約定的運費之外,似乎即不得再行要求任何額外的補償費用


攸關國際管轄的問題International Jurisdiction),運送人之所以在德國提告興訟乃係依布魯塞爾條例」(the Brussels Regulation, 44/200124條第1項的規定為之[4]。至於被告即貨主對於德國法院有無管轄權的這個部分並未加置喙即行蒞庭答辯是本案針對承審法官是否有管轄權的問題雙方之間並無任何爭執爰徳國法院對於此案即形成管轄


承審法官依據德國民法總則the Introductory Act to the Civil Code27條第1項的規定認為訴訟當事人即原告運送人與被告貨主之間已經有效地合意適用德國內河運輸法」(German Inland Water Transportation Law),而依據德國的內河航行法」(the Inland Water Navigation Code26條的規定德國商法第407條到第452條針對內河貨物運送係有適用的餘地準此承審法官主張德國商法第420條第3針對本案運送人是否有權請求額外的運費係有其適用的餘地




在司法實務的案例與學術研討的諸多場合內攸關不可歸責於貨物運送契約雙方當事人的事由,係由外部與不可預見的風險所造成的運送過程中斷風險,是否應該由貨主(在此係指貨物託運人)承擔的問題,已經討論甚多,這其中包括有航道阻塞(the obstruction of a waterway)、高低潮位high or low tide)、流冰ice drift),與暴風雨storm等現象


德國聯邦最高法院本諸德國商法第420條第3項的規定,不同意運送人對於貨物運送因為不可歸責於雙方當事人的外部原因與不可預見阻礙所導致的遲延,可以向託運貨主再主張原訂定運費之外的額外補償。蓋承審法官以為運送人在起運前,即已經知悉航道有所障礙的現象,是不排除商法第420條第3項的一般性適用」(the general applicability)。但假設訂定運送契約當事人的任何一方在簽約之前即已經知悉航道阻塞的事實則可能就會影響到遲延風險應該係由運送人亦或是託運貨主承擔的問題。祇是本案的事實卻是在航道被阻塞前雙方的貨物運送契約早已經簽署完成爰任何一方當事人均不知道航道阻塞的這一檔事


法院最後不同意本案因航道阻塞所造成10天遲延的風險應該由貨主承擔而必須要向運送人交付額外運費的結論。其主要的原因乃貨主僅對德國商法第414條第1項所規範的嚴格責任」(the strict liability範圍內負責[5]即使其本身並無任何過失發生但祇要是在這個範圍內lie in the sphere of responsibility所發生的責任貨主即應該負起責任。但反過來說,凡不是發生在這個責任範圍內的話,則貨主即不負責任矣。


準此如果運送人要求託運的貨主必須負擔額外的運費的話則前開商法第420條第3項明文要求運送人必須舉證證明船舶之所以遲延的原因乃係落在託運貨主應該負的責任範疇內是運送人必須負擔起舉證責任」(the burden of proof)。然在本案中運送人試圖建立起遲延發生原因乃非歸責於其本身的緣故似未足以取信於承審法官





然不管如何,我們必須切記的一點,乃是德國商法第420條第3項的法律風險分配the legal risk distribution),並非係屬於強制性」(mandatory的規定。事實上,運送契約的雙方當事人,針對舉證責任的角色轉換,係可以互相合意為之的,爰建議未來運送契約的雙方當事人,在簽訂契約之前,得考量本案判決所可能帶來的衝擊,以預先調整契約的規定,使雙方當事人均可以瞭解自己的風險何在,進而做出適切的作業調整(全文完)。



[1] Ems河係一條位於德國西北方與荷蘭東北方的河流全長371公里),流經North Rhino-WestphaliaLower Saxony兩個省份最後注入Wadden Sea
[2] 德國聯邦最高法院」(Bundesgerichthof簡稱BGH是德國普通法院系統的最高法院是德國民事與刑事案件的終審法院為德國5個聯邦終審法院之一,另外4個是聯邦最高勞工法院聯邦最高財政法院聯邦最高社會法院與聯邦最高行政法院這幾個最高級別法院做出的裁決原則上是不可上訴的,祇有2個例外一是案件涉及人權問題而由德國聯邦憲法法院做出最終裁決另一個是案件涉及歐盟法上的問題聯邦最高法院做出裁決後可以上訴至歐洲法院
[3] 德國商法第420條英譯:「Payment. Calculation of freight: (1) The freight is payable on delivery of the goods.  In addition to the freight, the carrier is entitled to be reimbursed for any outlays in so far as they were incurred in the interests of the goods and he could in all the circumstances reasonably regard them as necessary. (2) If the carriage is terminated prematurely due to an obstacle to carriage or delivery, the carrier is entitled to a pro rata part of the freight for the completed part of the carriage. If the obstacle fails within the sphere of risks to be borne by the carrier, he may claim pro rata freight only to the extent that the carriage is of benefit to the sender. (3) If, for reasons within the sphere of risks to be borne by the sender, delay occurs after the start of carriage and before arrival at the place designated for delivery, the carrier is entitled to reasonable remuneration in addition to the freight. (4) If the freight is agreed by reference to the number, weight or quantity otherwise expressed of the goods, it is presumed for the purpose of calculating the freight that the statement in the consignment note or consignment bill relating to this is correct; this presumption applies even if such statement is accompanied by a reservation justified by the indication that there had been no reasonable means of checking the accuracy of the information.
[4] 布魯塞爾條例」係歐盟針對管轄權與民商案件判決的承認與執行的議題所為的決議,其中第24條的規定如下:「Apart from jurisdiction derived from other provisions of this Regulation, a court of a Member State before which a defendant enters an appearance shall have jurisdiction.  This rules shall not apply where appearance was entered to contest the jurisdiction, or where another court has exclusive jurisdiction by virtue of Article 22.
[5] 德國商法第414條英譯:「Sender’s liability in special cases, irrespective of fault: (1) The sender shall, even if he is not at fault, compensate the carrier for damage and outlays caused by 1. Insufficient packaging or labeling, 2. Incorrect or incomplete statements made in the consignment note, 3. Failure to disclose the dangerous nature of the goods, or 4. Absence, incompleteness or incorrectness of the documents or the information specified in section 413 paragraph 1. However, the sender’s liability for damage is limited to an amount of 8.33 units of account for each kilogram of gross weight of the consignment; section 431 paragraph 4 and section 434 to 436 shall apply mutatis mutandis. (2) If conduct on the part of the carrier has contributed to causing the damage or outlay, the obligation to pay compensation and the extent of the compensation payable shall depend upon the extent to which the conduct of the carrier has contributed to the damage and outlay. (3) If the sender is a consumer, he shall be obliged to compensate the carrier for damage and outlay in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 only in so far as he has acted culpably.
[6]德國商法第412條第3項英譯:「Loading and unloading: … … (3) If the carrier waits beyond the loading or unloading time on the basis of a contractual agreement or for reasons outside the sphere of risks to be borne by him, he is entitled to appropriate remuneration (demurrage).
