2011年10月29日 星期六


所謂「不可流通的運送單證」(non-negotiable transport document),在海運實務界上約可分為兩種:一為「直交提單」(或稱之為「記名式提單(載貨證券)」)(Straight Bill of Lading)(註一) ;另一則為「海上貨運單」(或稱之為「海上提貨單」(Sea Waybill))。

前者,在各國法令與司法實務上的見解不一,有視之為具有「提單」(載貨證券)的性質(即屬於「權利證券」或「物權證券」(Document of Title)),亦有持相反的看法。至於後者,則一致認為非屬於「權利證券」或「物權證券」。


西元2011年2月8日,香港地方法院(the Hong Kong District Court)判決一家香港的「貨物承攬運送業者」(Freight Forwarder)(註二) ,應該為「受貨人」(the Consignee)在卸貨港(即香港)因無法提示「正本提單」(the original Bill of Lading)(註三) ,而遭拒絕交貨的結果負起損害賠償的責任(註四) 。

基本上受貨人提貨本就應該提示正本提單,運送人始憑單交貨,但在本案中的貨物承攬運送人,本諸此一「原則」要求,卻反遭判決敗訴,並為此付出慘痛的代價,這其中的原委為何?頗令人納悶,然仔細審究其關鍵「主角」,即本案的「正本提單」,發現其性質係屬於所謂的「直交提單」(a straight Bill of Lading)(註五) ,而這套「提單」理應由裝貨港負責貨物承攬運送的World Road公司在西元2008年10月12日,針對託運人所委運的28箱「電腦顯示卡」(computer display cards)所出具,裝貨港為韓國,卸貨港則在香港。

事實上,大家可以發現本案貨物運送的航程相當短,而提單上亦載明屆時受貨人提貨時,應該向World Road在香港的同行代理聲請。換句話說,「託運人」(the Shipper)委託World Road將貨物運抵香港,並交予指定的「受貨人」。而World Road遂委託其在香港的同行代理,即本案中被判決敗訴的這一家香港貨物承攬運送業者,將運抵香港的貨物交付予提單上所列名的「受貨人」。詎料當貨物運抵香港,受貨人請求交付貨物時,卻遭這家香港的「貨物承攬運送人」的拒絕,最後這票貨被送返回World Road的手上。受貨人不甘受損,爰於香港起訴,要求這家位於香港當地的貨物承攬運送人,應該為此而賠償貨物的價值:美金65,926元。

被告的這家香港貨物承攬運送人(即World Road在香港的代理),主張其自World Road所收到的指示係:受貨人必須憑「正本提單」(the original B/L)始得交付貨物,但本案中受貨人從未提示過所謂的「正本提單」,甚至亦無法證明其就是這票貨的「所有權人」。這家位於香港的貨物承攬運送業者,宣稱其完全係依World Road的指示作業,並無任何失誤。這票貨最後在西元2009年1月2日被送返韓國,由World Road收執。

本案的「受貨人」承認其確實並未提示任何的正本提單,因為其本身根本就沒有收到過,但其堅稱這所謂的「正本提單」,根本就沒被World Road正式簽發過。蓋依「託運人」與「World Road」(貨物承攬運送人)兩者間的共識乃:兩者均視「直交提單」並非所謂真正的「提單」(載貨證券),「直交提單」祇是所謂的「海上貨運單」(Sea Waybill)而已,其祇是證明託運人與貨物承攬運送人,針對貨物運交予受貨人這件事,彼此之間互有協議而已。準此,受貨人強調其縱無提示正本提單,這家香港的貨物承攬運送人亦應該依指示立即交付貨物才對。



在訴訟的爭辯過程中,受貨人堅稱運送契約的當事人,從未企圖要將當時World Road所簽發的「直交提單」,視為係所謂的「提單」(載貨證券)。更何況託運人與受貨人彼此間的經常性交易行為早已經超過7年,而World Road擔任負責交易的運送任務業已經超過4年矣。託運人指稱World Road擔任此一運送任務已非「生手」,在過去4年內,無論係託運人、亦或是受貨人,均未曾被要求在收受貨物的時候,必須提示任何的「正本提單」始得為之的情況。

託運人認為其已經將貨物的運送與交付程序,全部委由World Road全權負責,且其亦未在任何文件上要求在交付貨物時必須提示任何文件,始得為之。雖然本案中,「直交提單」本身就被賦予「提單」的名稱,但受貨人亦點出此一「直交提單」,並未經World Road簽署的「事實」。託運人從未被交付有任何「正本」或「副本」的直交提單,但此舉並未造成託運人任何的困擾,蓋這票貨的「貨款」早已經在託運人與受貨人之間的帳務往來中,被「抵銷」掉了(off-set)。

香港的這家貨物承攬運送業者,針對前開說辭,則指稱其據World Road表示:託運人從未自World Road處,提領正本的直交提單。祇是依據受貨人所提供的證據資料顯示:當貨物運抵香港,承攬人拒絕交貨時,縱受貨人在沒有積欠任何運費的情況下,受貨人為順利解決此一問題,仍嘗試與World Road聯絡,以取得所謂的正本直交提單,但當時World Road拒絕回應,導致整個問題陷入懸而未決的窘境。

無論如何,這份正本的直交提單從未在訴訟的過程中被出示過。對此,受貨人指稱由此即可以證實託運人在與World Road的委運過程中,針對所謂的「正本提單的出具」根本就沒有任何意思上的合致;更甚者,由此更可以證明本案的「直交提單」並非一般的「提單」(或稱之為「載貨證券」)。此外,受貨人更指出所謂的「直交提單」,其上應該會註明係「非流通」(non-negotiable)的性質(註六) ,且祇限於將貨物交予其上所註明的「受貨人」而已。

祇是僅憑「提單」上的「受貨人」處,是否記載為「依託運人或受貨人的指示」,即將「直交提單」視為「非載貨證券(非提單)」,似稍嫌速斷。在傳統觀念中,我們所瞭解的「直交提單」絕非「一般的載貨證券」,但在Carewins Development (China) Ltd. –v.- Bright Fortune Shipping Ltd.的案件中(註七) ,則認為縱為「直交提單」,運送人仍必須在提示正本後,始得交付貨物(縱使提單上沒有所謂的「簽證條款」者(the attestation clause)(註八) ,亦同)。

在本案中,受貨人抗辯縱然「直交提單」上有所謂的「簽證條款」,但實際上World Road並沒有在上面簽署,是亦不生任何效力。準此,受貨人主張在本案中,並沒有任何的證據顯示:直交提單中有所謂的「簽證條款」植入,或「簽證條款」乃係雙方當事人(指託運人與World Road)在委運之初,即有意將其納入直交提單之中。受貨人堅稱在傳統的作業程序當中,包括:出具一套三份的正本提單,外加「Carewins案」與著名的「Rafaela S案」(註九) 中所強調的簽署等必要程序,在本案中均付諸闕如。

有關受貨人辯稱直交提單上並沒有World Road的簽署,是提單上根本就沒有所謂的「簽證條款」,或許有其道理。但在Carewins案中,Riberiro PJ法官認為:縱然提單上沒有所謂的「簽證條款」,直交提單亦必須提示正本,才能夠進行提貨的動作。單純地未包括「簽證條款」,並無法足以證明「直交提單」並非(或並不想成為)「提單」(「載貨證券」)。

另,在Rafaela案中,Lord Bingham法官則認為:在正常的交易程序中,所謂「善意的商業文書」(a bona fide mercantile document),通常對於文書上的陳述會比較「遲鈍」些。若站在一可能性的平衡立場上,法官在考量直交提單上的內容、條款與使用語言後,對於直交提單並非提單(載貨證券)的證據,通常均不會採納。但如果直交提單,就如同法官最後所發現的一樣,係屬於提單(載貨證券)的話,則在Carewins案中所持正本直交提單必須提示始得領貨的見解,就有其適用。

在本案中,承審法官認為託運人所提示的交易證據,與託運人與World Road是否應嚴格執行正本提單提示的要求,有具體的關聯性。



承攬運送人唯一的解釋,乃放貨的要求並非來自所謂的「本人」(the Principal)(以被委任為「代理人」的立場來看)(即World Road),是承攬運送人忽視了託運人的指示,未將貨物交予受貨人,反將貨物在西元2009年1月2日運返予World Road收執。

準此,本案承審法官最後判決:由於西元2008年11月29日託運人給予貨物承攬運送人的這封書面通知,內容要求承攬運送人應該儘速將貨物直接放予受貨人,是認定受貨人有權自承攬人處,請求交付貨物,縱使在沒有出示正本提單的情況下亦然。換句話說,這家World Road在香港的代理人,於受貨人未能提示正本提單的情況下,並無權剋扣貨物,蓋提示正本提單的要求,已經在最初階段明顯地被託運人所放棄矣。

本案法官在審視所有提列證據後,認為直交提單上既已經載明受貨人的名稱,且自託運人西元2008年11月29日所簽發予香港貨運承攬運送人的信函中證實:受貨人的確有權利,在所謂「有決定性影響的這一刻」(at the material time)收取此項貨物。

另一方面,託運人亦證實受貨人已經繳清貨款,是在此一時間受貨人早已經是這一票貨物的所有權人了。然香港的這家承攬運送人,卻留置貨物,拒不交付予受貨人,更甚者其竟安排將貨物送返予當初委任它在香港處理交貨事宜的同行(即World Road),是其早已經扭曲了整件事實。

綜上所陳,本案的承審法官認為香港的這家貨物承攬運送業者,亟需負責賠償該票貨的實際價值(即美金65,926元,雙方對於此項數額並無爭議)。蓋其認為「直交提單」與「海上貨運單」無異,祇要受貨人能夠證明其為提單上所載的受貨人,即無需憑單即可以提貨,此一結果與美國司法實務見解相同。但與英國、新加坡(註十) ,與荷蘭(註十一) 等國的司法實務見解不同,蓋這些國家的司法實務見解,均認為直交提單仍係一種適用於海牙或海牙威士比規則的載貨證券,運送人仍有義務憑單始得放貨,不能僅核對受貨人的身份無訛,即予放貨。


(註一): 所謂「直交提單」係指在提單上的「受貨人」欄,記載特定人姓名與名稱者而言。此方式的提單,第一次見諸於西元1916年的美國「聯邦載貨證券法」(或稱之為「伯美崙法」(Pomerene Act),其第2條規定:「記名式載貨證券,係指載明貨物交付或指定給特定人的憑證」(a fill in which it is stated that the goods are consignee or destined to a specified person is a straight bill))。
(註二): 或稱之為「無船公共運送人」(NVOCC)。
(註三): 嚴格地說,在本案裡應該是「正本直交提單」(the original Straight Bill of Lading)。
(註四): 案號:[DCC] 3467/2009。
(註五): 「直交提單」又稱「記名式提單」,係屬於「不可流通運送單證」(non-negotiable transport document)的一種(另一種則是「海上貨運單」(Sea Waybill),又稱「海上提貨單」)。
(註六): 「非流通」(non-negotiable)與「非轉讓」(non-transferable)不同。蓋可流通的載貨證券,其「善意持有人」的權利優於前手;而可轉讓的載貨證券,則係後手的權利不得大於前手(基本上與前者相反)。
(註七): 2009 (12 HKCFAR 185)。
(註八): 所謂的「簽證條款」,通常在遺囑與契約中均可看到,該條款主要係由見證人證明文件已在其面前簽署,且簽署的方式亦為其所見證。
(註九): 英國上議院(House of Lords)於西元2008年2月16日,於The Rafaela一案所持的見解。
(註十): 見Voss –v.- APL Co., Ltd.案,[2002] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 707。
(註十一): 見The Duke of Yare案,APR-RechtB Rotterdam, April 10, 1997。

2011年10月27日 星期四




原告「甲貿易公司」以託運人的名義將若干紡織類商品出售給受貨人「乙公司」,貨款總額為美金2萬2千元整,付款方式雙方約定為T/T(電匯,Telegraphic Transfer)。在買賣契約簽署後,甲公司旋即將該批貨物交給被告「丙海運公司」承運,自上海起運至英國Felixstowe港,丙公司為此票貨物簽發了乙套編號為No. SH2057-01-101的提單,而該單上則載明了託運人(the Shipper)為甲公司,受貨人(the Consignee)及受貨通知人(the Notify Party)則均為乙公司,裝載港(the Loading Port)為中國上海,卸貨港(the Discharging Port)則為Felixstowe英國,承運貨物則為1,622箱的紡織品。甲公司開具的發票顯示該批貨物價值為美金2萬2千元,付款條件為T/T。甲公司為前開貨物辦理了報關出口手續。此後,甲公司收到乙公司的部分貨款計美金8千8百元後,即始終未收到剩餘部分的貨款,因此甲公司並未將正本提單依約交付予乙公司以領貨。換句話說,此票貨的正本提單一直都在甲公司的手上。但後來甲公司卻從「實際受貨人」丁公司處,得知提單受貨人已在未持有正本提單的情況下,在卸貨港將貨物提走。










依據中華人民共和國的民事訴訟法以及相關證據規定要求(註一) ,凡當事人向法院提供證據時,即應該提供「原件」或者「原物」,以符合證據真實性的具體要求。在無單放貨的糾紛中,原告所提供的任何關於無單放貨的證明、確認等證據,基本上均需要符合上述規定的要求,即應該提供一方所出具的原件。



一般「無單放貨」的案件均具有很強的「涉外因素」,因此許多證據都是在「境外」形成的,且多係屬於外文原本。因此,在原告對無單放貨事實舉證的時候,若涉及前開形式的證據均應該辦理相關的公證或認證手續,並且提供中文譯本,始能符合中華人民共和國法律關於證據法定形式的要求。如果當事人所提供的證據在形式上沒有符合前開法定要求的話,那麼也就無從期待就其證明內容上得到承審法院的認可與採信(註二) 。




(註二): 有關「文書證據力」的部分,在台灣的民事訴訟法則有以下的規定:

2011年10月14日 星期五


貳拾肆、【準據法與管轄權(Applicable Law and Jurisdiction)】:
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be referred to arbitration in London in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof save to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Clause.

The arbitration shall be to three arbitrators. A party wishing to refer a dispute to arbitration shall appoint its arbitrator and send notice of such appointment in writing to the other party requiring the other party to appoint its own arbitrator within fourteen (14) calendar days of that notice and stating that it will appoint its arbitrator as sole arbitrator unless the other party appoints its own arbitrator and gives notice that it has done so within the 14 days specified.

If the other party does not appoint its own arbitrator and give notice that it has done so within the fourteen (14) days specified, the party referring a dispute to arbitration may, without the requirement of any further prior notice to the other party, appoint its arbitrator as sole arbitrator and shall advise the other part accordingly. The award of a sole arbitrator shall be binding on both parties as if he has been appointed by agreement.





Nothing in this Clause shall prevent the parties agreeing in writing to vary these provisions to provide for the appointment of a sole arbitrator.

In cases where neither the claim nor the counterclaim exceeds the sum of US Dollars fifty thousand (USD50,000) or such other sum as the parties may agree, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the LMAA (London Maritime Arbitrations’ Association) Small Claims Procedure current at the time when the arbitration proceedings are commenced.

Judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction or application may be made to such court for a judicial acceptance of the award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be.

The parties shall use every reasonable endeavor to resolve disputes between them in the shortest possible time consistent with the proper presentation to the expert or arbitration tribunal of their submissions and evidence. The parties will in particular seek, in the absence of any reasonable excuse, to make such submissions and present such evidence within a period of thirty (30) days from the commencement of the proceedings. In the event of unreasonable delay by either party, the expert or the arbitration tribunal shall be entitled to make an award even if that party has failed to make or complete its submissions.





本文從開頭到結尾,攸關「船舶貨物裝卸承攬」的這項專題,總共談了23個主要議題,但這其中並沒有涉及諸多「商業上的條款」(譬如說:Berth Productivity(碼頭生產力),即計算每一支吊桿在實際作業時,可以達到的「生產率」到底有多高,以計算碼頭公司未能達到約定標準時的損害賠償金額。其計算公式為:Berth Productivity=Total Moves/Berth Hours),或「技術上的條款」(譬如說:碼頭靠泊計劃,碼頭公司與客戶兩者間,應該如何相互配合的問題,或冷凍櫃、特殊櫃應該如何特別處置的問題等),但藉由介紹在「船舶貨物裝卸承攬」中一般常見的條款,以提供業者與碼頭公司在訂定契約時,可供遵循與思考的模式與方向,乃是本文撰寫的最大目的(全文完)。


貳拾壹、【健康、安全與環境的需求(Health, Safety and Environment)】:
The Contractor is required to perform all work and provide all Container Terminal Services hereunder in a manner that ensures adequate protection for:

(a) its employees and those of its sub-contractors;
(b) other individuals entering the premises of the Contractor, such as but not limited to independent contractors;
(c) the public;
(d) the environment; and
(e) the Containers, the Cargo and the Container Ship

in full compliance with all applicable international, national, and local health, safety, and environmental laws, rules and regulations.

The Contractor shall strive for a continuous improvement of health, safety and environmental performance and ensure that management of health, safety, and environment is an integral and visible part of the Contractor’s work planning and execution processes.
(a) 碼頭公司的受僱人與次承攬人;
(b) 其他在碼頭公司轄區內的個人,包括但不限於,所謂的「獨立承欖人」(the Independent Contractors);
(c) 一般普羅大眾;
(d) 整體環境;與
(e) 貨櫃、貨物,與貨櫃船。


The Contractor is responsible for its sub-contractors’ compliance with health, safety and environment requirements of this Agreement.

The Contractor shall ensure to provide its employees, servants, agents and sub-contractors with the necessary and adequate safety and environment training for performing the Container Terminal Services.

The Contractor shall ensure that its hazardous waste (including such waste that Contractor is required to handle) is being collected, stored and disposed or recycled in an environmentally sound manner.

The Contractor shall establish programs to monitor green house gas emissions and waste amounts from its facility.

The Contractor shall monitor and evaluate its safety performance, as a minimum based on number of Lost Time Accidents (LTAs), and take such actions as are required or appropriate to rectify and improve its overall safety performance.




碼頭公司應以「損失工時事故」(Lost Time Accidents)的數量來做為最基本的衡量,以監督與評估其安全執行成效,並採取任何必需與適當的行動,來修正與改善其整體的安全執行成效。

The Contractor shall establish and maintain a casualty/emergency response plan to deal with unforeseen events, such as but not limited to fire and explosion, and carry out periodical drills – with the involvement of relevant employees, servants, agents and sub-contractors – including in such a manner and with such frequency as may be required to comply with applicable law and regulation. The Contractor shall provide such casualty/emergency response plan to its agents and sub-contractors and, on request, to the Customer.

The Contractor shall ensure that the customers, its employees, servants, sub-contractors, agents and other individuals receive clear health and safety instructions when entering the Container Terminal.

The Customer will ensure that it employees, servants, sub-contractors and agents follow the health and safety regulations and instructions instated on the Container Terminal by the Contractor.



在全球產業日益重視環境保護與健康安全等需求的情況下,若干大型企業在簽約時,均會慎選對象,並提出符合環保需求的合作先決條件。若對方無法履行,或沒有辦法配合提供所謂的「遵循計劃」時(the Compliance Program),則可能喪失未來雙方合作計劃的可能性,爰台灣的產業界,無論係這裡所提及的傳統服務業,亦或是高科技產業等,未來在向外博取訂單時,無不應該事先準備一套環保需求符合計劃,以供客戶參酌,始得以順利訂定契約,而這裡所提供的示範條款,或許可以提供業者未來在規範此一需求時,一個思考的方向。

Neither Party may assign or transfer its rights, title, interest or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), except that Customer may assign or transfer this Agreement to any company or other entity within the same Group. Any assignment or transfer, or any such attempt, in violation of this Clause, is considered a material breach and deemed void and of no effect.

這裡的「禁止轉讓」條款,是屬於所謂的「一般性」條款,在其他契約中亦可以看得到。蓋當初在簽約的時候,雙方基本上應均會對所謂「合作的對象」,進行「身份」上的「盡職調查」(the Due Diligence Check),以確保未來合作愉快,是若有合作對象表示要將雙方已經簽署的契約移轉予「第三方」的情況下,大多會要求應該取得原合作夥伴的事前書面認諾才可以。蓋當初之所以願意簽署契約,同意合作的前提,乃是著重在對方的履約能力,因此若要更替履約對象,則勢必須先取得另一方的同意始可。祇是如果移轉的對象僅係同一集團下的公司時,則本約例外地允許毋庸踐行前開程序,即可自行轉讓,是乃一常見的「特例」。

貳拾參、【增修與委棄(Modification and Waivers)】:
This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes and replaces any prior written or verbal agreement, representation, understanding, quotation or response to tender.

The Parties agree that neither Party has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon any representation, warranty or statement made by the other Party which is not set out or referred to in this Agreement.

Any additions and modifications hereto must be by written instrument signed by both Parties.

Failure by a Party to insist upon strict performance by the other Party of any term, conditions or provision of this Agreement shall in no way be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any right of such Party to insist upon strict performance at all times.






拾柒、【管理階層變動(Change of Control)】:
If at any time during the Term of this Agreement there shall be a proposed or actual Change of Control of Contractor, or of Customer, the affected Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing thereof.

Within thirty (30) days of becoming aware or receiving notice of the change of control, the other Party may serve written notice on the affected Party terminating this Agreement.

For the purpose of this clause, Change of Control shall mean:
(a) any sale or transfer of shares to any 3rd party of minimum fifty (50) percent + one (1) share of the total shares in the relevant company, or
(b) the possession, direct or indirect by any person or entity other than as presently exists, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the parent or the Party, whether by the ownership of voting shares and/or exercise of voting rights, by contractual rights or otherwise.

For the avoidance of doubt, any internal reorganization or restructuring shall not be considered a Change of Control.


(a) 將相關公司最少50%,外加一股的股份賣出或移轉予第三者,或
(b) 不論係依其所擁有的投票權股數亦或是依約行使投票權,凡直接或間接地由非目前的主體來擁有或控管契約一方或其母公司的管理階層與策略訂定能力者,稱之。



If any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, in any respect that provision shall be severed from the remainder and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired in any way.


拾玖、【保密與公開性的限制(Confidentiality and Publicity Restrictions)】:
The Parties undertakes that all documents, records, correspondence and transactions whether in hand or electric copy concerning the operation and business of the other Party shall always be held and be deemed confidential and shall, save as contemplated by this Clause not be disclosed to any third party. The Parties further agree and undertake that they and their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers, contractors, agents, servants, lawyers or advisers will treat and safeguard as strictly private and confidential the terms and conditions of this Agreement and will not at any time, without the prior written consent of the other, disclose or reveal such terms and conditions to any third party unless such matter is in the public domain (be reason other than disclosure by that party) or if that Party shall be compelled by any judicial authority to disclose any such information.

No Party shall make any announcement, statement or press release concerning the terms and conditions of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other.

The provisions of this Clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the expiry of the Term or earlier termination of this Agreement (for whatever reason).

Neither party shall knowingly use or permit the use of any information obtained during their relationship to the disadvantage of the other Party or for the profit of its own or any third party’s interest.

Unless otherwise agreed, neither party shall at any time, whether during or after the Term hereof:
(a) Display or in any other way use the name, the Marks or any content of the other party in which the other Party or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries hold a copyright, in connection with publicity, advertisements, or promotion of a Party’s own business; or
(b) Identify the other Party or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries in any manner on its own customer list or its website (or on any third party website) or include its name in the metatags of any website.




(a) 指示或以其他方式使用他方或其子公司、分公司,在公開場合、刊登廣告,或業務推廣上,擁有著作權保護的名稱、標誌,或任何其他內容;或
(b) 在其客戶名單或網頁上(或其他第三人的網頁上)標示他方或其子公司或分公司的名稱,或在任何網頁上將他方名稱列為「元標記」(meta tags)。




貳拾、【安檢措施(Security Measures)】:
Customer is a validated member of the U.S. C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism), and will enroll into similar frameworks under development, amongst others currently in the EU based on the WCO (World Customs Organization) Framework of Standards. It is Customer’s obligation to communicate its cargo custodial responsibilities under C-TPAT and other customs-to-business supply chain security partnerships to its transportation related service providers. These include, whether relevant to the services that Contractor provides to and for the Customer under this Agreement:

(a) Adequate physical containers and deterrents that guard against unauthorized access to Contractor’s facility;
(b) For all cargo and containers subject of this Agreement, container integrity must be maintained to protect against the introduction of unauthorized material and/or persons while in Contractor’s custody and/or control;
(c) In compliance with applicable laws and regulations, Contractor must have processes in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically check current employees, as appropriate.

Contractor will periodically be requested to confirm its commitment to Customer’s security expectations. For further information regarding the C-TPAT security commitment, please consult the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) website for the appropriate security criteria at: http://www.customs.gov/xp/cgov/import/commercial_enforcement/ctpat/security_criteria/
客戶係參與美國「海關-商貿反恐怖聯盟」(the U.S. C-TPAT)(註一) 的有效會員,除此之外其亦準備加入目前歐盟根據全球海關組織的標準架構,所發展出來的類似組織。客戶應盡的責任,包括將其在C-TPAT所應盡的貨物保管責任,與其他位於海關作業供給鍊上提供運送服務攸關的安管夥伴,取得溝通聯繫。這其中包括,在本約中碼頭公司所提供予客戶的若干服務內容:

(a) 適當的圍籬與阻隔,以防範外人非法入侵碼頭公司;
(b) 本約中所有的貨物或貨櫃,在碼頭公司的管領範圍內,必須防範貨櫃的完整性不被非法入侵的物質及(或)人員所破壞;
(c) 在相關法令許可的前提之下,碼頭公司在適當場合必須對於嫌疑員工進行監控措施,並對於目前員工進行不定期抽檢。



(註一):C-TPAT是美國國土安全部海關邊境保護局(即U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 簡稱CBP),在911事件發生後所提議成立的自願性計劃,並於西元2002年4月16日正式施行。C-TPAT全名為Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, 即「海關-商貿反恐怖聯盟」。透過C-TPAT的安全建議,CBP希望能與相關業界合作建立供應鍊安全管理系統,以確保供應鍊從起點到終點的運輸安全、安全訊息,及貨況的流通,從而阻止恐怖份子的滲入。


拾伍、【違約情事(Events of Default)】:
The following shall constitute Events of Default on the part of a Party to this Agreement:
(a) Failure by a Party to observe any term, condition or provision of this Agreement, including but not limited to, any breach of a representation, warranty, undertaking or obligation contained herein after having been given not less than fourteen (14) days written notice from the non-defaulting Party asking the defaulting Party to rectify the same;
(b) A petition is filed, or an order made, or an effective resolution passed, for the compulsory or voluntary winding-up or dissolution of a party (other than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction in respect of which prior written notice has been received from the other Party) or any proceedings analogous to winding up proceedings are begun in any jurisdiction in relation a Party or if a Party suspends payment of, or is unable to or admits inability to pay its debts in general as they fall due or makes any special arrangement or composition with creditors generally or any class of its creditors;
(c) An administrator, administrative receiver, receiver or trustee or similar official is appointed over the whole, or material part, of the property, assets or undertaking of a Party or if a Party applies for, or consents to, any such appointment;
(d) An encumbrance takes possession of, or distress or execution is levied upon, the whole or a material part, of the property, assets or undertaking of a Party; or
(e) A Party ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on its business, or disposes or threatens to dispose of a material part of its properties, assets or undertakings, or such a part is seized, nationalized, appropriated or compulsorily purchased by or under the authority of any government whether de jure or de facto.
(a) 在未違約方以不少於14天的書面通知要求補正後,違約的一方仍無法遵守本約的約定,包括但不限於違反本約的聲明(representation)、保證(warranty)、承諾(undertaking),或責任(obligation)事項。
(b) 一項強制性或自願性的解散(winding-up)或清算(dissolution)聲請、命令,或有效決議已被提出、發布,或作成(但為了公司合併(amalgamation)或重整(reconstruction)的目的,且已經收到事前書面通知者,則不在此限),或其他被解讀成解散程序已經開始的程序,或有暫停付款、無法付款,或承認無力償付一般性到期債務的現象,或其與一般債權人或其他有優先受償債權人有為特別安排或整合的情況發生。
(c) 管理人、行政上清算人、清算人或受託人,或其他類似人員已被指定,來管理一方全部,或主要部分資產,或契約一方聲請或同意前開人員的指定。
(d) 一方的所有或主要資產有被設定負擔、擔保,或被聲請強制執行的情形。
(e) 一方停止或可能停止營業,或處置或可能處置其主要資產,或其被政府機構(無論係法律上的(de jure)或者是事實上的(de facto)政府機構)扣押、國營化、侵吞,或強制收購。

Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, the non-defaulting Party may give written notice of the Event of Default to the defaulting Party. Such notice shall set forth in adequate detail the nature of the Event of Default and, in the case of Events of Default which the non defaulting Party considers are capable of remedy, the steps necessary to rectify such event of Default. Following the giving of such notice of an Event of Default, the Parties agree, in respect of Events of Default under Clause (a) above which the non-defaulting Party considers capable of remedy, to consult for a period of up to fourteen (14) days (or such longer period as the Parties may agree) as to what steps shall be taken to cure or mitigate the consequences of the Event of Default in question.

The non-defaulting Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the defaulting Party no less than seven (7) days written notice either on giving notice under above mentioned clause or, in respect of Events of Default Clause (a) which the non-defaulting Party considers capable of remedy, following the expiry of the consultation period set out in the above mentioned clause.

In respect of Events of Default under Clause (b)-(e) above, the non-defaulting Party may terminate the Agreement instantly against written notice to such effect to the defaulting Party.



「違約情事」條款在一般契約中,大多會依違約的類型予以分門別類,針對若干不是太「嚴重」的違約情事,似均會給予所謂的「寬限期間」(grace period)予以補救(譬如說:前開範例條款中的(a)類即為適例)。至於比較嚴重的違約情事,譬如說:強制性或自願性的解散、清算公司,則似無給予寬限期間的必要,契約當事人遇有此一情況,即得立即選擇終止契約的繼續履行。


拾陸、【不可抗力(Force Majeure)】:
The Parties shall be excused from performing all or part of their obligations under this Agreement, shall not be deemed to be in breach of any of their obligations hereunder and shall not be liable for any breach of their obligations hereunder, if and to the extent that, they are unable to perform or are prevented from performing their respective obligations hereunder by reason of an Event of Force Majeure which has been notified by the Party affected by the Event of Majeure to the other.

Notwithstanding the above mentioned clause the Parties shall:
(a) make all reasonable efforts to prevent or minimize and thereafter mitigate any delays or costs occasioned by any Event of Force Majeure, including recourse to alternative acceptable sources of services, equipment and materials; and
(b) use their best efforts to ensure the earliest possible resumption of normal performance of this Agreement and any related agreements after the occurrence of any Event of Force Majeure and perform their obligations hereunder and thereunder to the maximum extent practicable.

(a) 盡所有合理的努力去避免、縮小,與控制任何因不可抗力事件所導致的遲延或費用,包括向其他可接受的替代性服務、設備與材料進行追索,及
(b) 盡最大努力以確保本契約及其他相關契約,在發生不可抗力事件後,早日回歸正常運作,與盡最大的可能去履行各自的責任。

Notwithstanding the above mentioned clause, no relief shall be granted to a Party pursuant to this Clause to the extent that such failure or delay in performance would have nevertheless been experienced by such Party had the relevant Event of Force Majeure not occurred.

If the Contractor cannot provide all or a substantial part of the Container Terminal Service or otherwise substantively perform its obligations under this Agreement as a result of an Event of Force Majeure for a period exceeding sixty (60) days, or such shorter or longer period as may be agreed by the Parties in writing, then either Party may terminate this Agreement by notice in writing to the other provided always that if, as a result of an Event of Force Majeure it is likely, in the Customer’s reasonable opinion, that all or a substantial part of the Container Terminal Services are likely to be materially affected and not performed by the Contractor in accordance with this Agreement within such sixty (60) day period then the Customer shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to freely switch the affected part of its operation and Container and Cargo volumes to an alternative terminal or terminals to prevent from suffering further loss and/or damage arising from the Event of Force Majeure for as long as the Event of Force Majeure persists.

Notwithstanding the above mentioned clause, neither Party shall be entitled to claim or collect any damages, proceed to exercise its right of termination or suspend performance, or proceed to exercise its rights to serve a notice of an Event of Default while the applicability, nature or effect of an Event of Force Majeure is disputed by the other Party hereunder.






Without in any way relieving the Contractor or detracting from its obligations and liabilities the Contractor shall, at its own expense, procure and maintain during the Term hereof policies of insurance with first class insurance companies covering and meeting i) any and all obligations and liabilities assumed by it under this Agreement and ii) any requirements by law, including public and third party liability.

Contractor shall perform any obligation required of it by such insurance/insurance providers and do nothing which could invalidate such insurance(s).

Contractor shall ensure that all its insurance policies provide that Customer is given immediate written notice of any cancellation, termination, suspension, revocation or material amendment in cover of such insurance(s).



If requested by the Customer, the Contractor shall provide the Customer with a copy of certificate or certificate of insurance evidencing the above arrangements. No such request or absence of such request shall be construed as waving the Contractor’s obligations to arrange any insurance required by law or by this Agreement.

No insurances or the limits of such insurances shall be construed in any way as a limit of Contractor’s liability hereunder.

Breach of any of Contractor’s obligations in this Clause shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and entitle Customer to terminate this Agreement immediately without liability or obligation on giving written notice to such effect, and/or to take out required insurance at a reasonable level on behalf of the Contractor, at the Contractor’s expense.





拾貳、【偷渡者/未經核准地潛入船舶(Stowaways/Unauthorized Access to Ships)】:
The Contractor warrants that it will enforce strict controls to prevent unauthorized access to the Port and/or the Container Terminal and will provide such additional security personal and equipment at the Port and/or the Container Terminal so as to ensure that the Containers and the Container Ships at the Port and/or the Container Terminal are safe and secure at all times.

The Customer warrants that it will arrange for access control to be performed at the gangway on all Customer Container Ships whilst berthed at the Container Terminal, in order to assist the Contractor to prevent stowaways and/or unauthorized access to the Customer Container Ships.


Notwithstanding the above, in the event that stowaways or other unauthorized persons are found on-board any of the Customer Container Ships either berthed at, or which have been berthed at, the Container Terminal and whether found whilst at the Container Terminal or after departure, and such persons may have, or did in fact, gain access to the Customer Container Ship whilst berthed at the Container Terminal, then all reasonable and necessary costs, expenses, fees, fines, penalties and other and/or liabilities incurred by or on behalf of the Customer shall be for the account of the Contractor. The Customer shall, if necessary, provide copy documentation and receipts to support any amounts claimed against the Contractor by the Customer under this Clause, where applicable.

Contractor warrants and undertakes to implement each and every security measure necessary or desirable to ensure that the Port and the Container Terminal complies with the highest international standards concerning security and the Contractor shall grant to the Customer the right to audit and/or approve such security measures at any time throughout the Term.



拾參、【結果性損害(Consequential Damages)】:
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, neither Party shall be responsible for or liable to the other for any consequential, punitive or other similar indirect loss or damages, whether foreseeable or not, which shall include, without limitation, loss of profits, loss of revenue or business or goodwill and event if such claim or liability were to be based upon any breach by a Party of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligent act, fault or omission by a Party.
所謂「結果性的損害」(the Consequential Damages)(或稱之為「衍生性的損害」),其包括了所謂利潤上的損失等,祇是該損失是遠隔的、間接的,如果當事人要獲得此一賠償,則必須舉證證明此一損害是違約方在訂約的時候即得預見或應當預見的(前乃是「一般性」的規定,但在本約中其已經排除縱使「損害」係可以預見的,其仍不在可以請求賠償的範圍之內)。另,本「貨物裝卸承攬契約」針對此類損害的發生,明訂縱使是因為契約當事人一方的過失所造成,亦有適用的餘地。事實上,此一觀念散見於一般契約之中,爰未來大家在草擬契約的時候,均可以參考應用。契約中亦澄清縱使損害的發生,係因為當事人的過失所造成的違約狀況,亦有適用的餘地。換句話說,面對此一「結果性的損害」,則除非另有規定外,否則不論任何情況,當事人均毋庸負責。

This Agreement shall, subject to this Clause, terminate on the expiry of the Term or it may be terminated in any of the following ways:
(a) on at least three (3) months written notice from one Party to the other;
(b) In accordance with the Clause of Events of Default, instantly following the occurrence of an Event of Default;
(c) As a result of a continuing Event of Force Majeure in accordance with the Clause of Force Majeure; or
(d) Upon the occurrence of a breach of the Contractor’s insurance obligations, in accordance with Clause of Insurance.

Any such termination shall be without prejudice to the rights and liabilities of the parties which may have accrued as at the date of such termination or any rights and liabilities which may accrue thereafter in respect of any breach, fault, act or omission prior to such termination and shall be without prejudice to any provisions of this Agreement which are expressed to remain in force following any termination.

In the event of termination, the parties agree to comply with any obligation arising hereunder up to the termination date and, as appropriate, thereafter.
(a) 以至少3個月的書面通知終止他方;
(b) 立即在發生違約情事後,依違約條款終止契約;
(c) 不可抗力事件持續中,依不可抗力條款終止契約;或
(d) 依保險條款,在碼頭公司違反保險義務時終止之。



「終止條款」亦屬於一般性的條款,其他契約中均有適用的機會。除契約屆滿期限自然終止之外,本約中亦授權契約的任一當事人,得以3個月的事前書面通知自由地終止契約的繼續履行,而毋庸負擔任何解約責任。或還有違約情況,在寬限期間後(grace period)仍未獲改善者,未違約的一方即得立即終止契約的繼續履行,並得另行請求違約一方的損害賠償責任。至於遇到「不可抗力」(Force Majeure)事件,在60天過後該不可抗力若仍持續存在時(註一) ,則任何一方即得終止契約的繼續履行(待續)。



玖、【責任、補償與責任限制(Liability, Indemnity and Limitation of Liability)】(續):
Customer’s Liabilities and Indemnity:
Without prejudice to:
- remedies for specific performance of any obligation under this Agreement; and,
- rights of termination expressly set out in this Agreement,

The remedy of the Contractor in respect of any act or omission or negligence or breach/default of the Customer or any of the Customer’s sub-contractors and agent under or connected to this Agreement shall, with the exception of personal injury to or death of third parties or any willful acts and misconduct, be for damages(s) in contract and in lieu of (and not cumulative with) any other rights in tort.

(a) The Contractor shall notify the Customer without under delay upon becoming aware or any matter which gives rise to or may give rise to a claim for loss or damage(s) including injury or death under this Agreement stating in reasonable detail the nature of the matter and claim, and so far as practicable, the amount claimed.
(b) The Customer shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Contractor against any liability for claims or legal actions of any kind, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of:
(i) loss or damage to property of any person including that of the Contractor; and,
(ii) personal injury or death to persons.
caused, in each case, by the breach/default or negligence of the Customer, its agent or sub-contractors.

(a) 碼頭公司應該於知悉毀損或滅失事件發生或可能發生的情況下,立即通知客戶攸關事件的本質與可能會索賠的金額(包括人身傷亡的部分)。
(b) 客戶應對碼頭公司因為(i)財產的滅失或毀損,及(ii)人員傷亡等事件所產生的索賠或訴訟案件,負擔起補償的責任(包括附屬的費用與支出)。


The maximum liability of the Customer to the Contractor in relation to each incident shall:
in the case of loss or damage of whatever kind to property be limited to twenty million US Dollars (USD20,000,000); and
in the case of personal injury or death be limited to one million US Dollars (USD1,000,000) per person.

The limitation(s) of liability per incident set out in the above mentioned shall relate to the whole of any losses and/or damages which may arise upon any one distinct occasion, although such losses and/or damages may be sustained by more than one person, and shall apply whether the liability arises at common law or by statute and notwithstanding such common law or anything contained in such statute.

Any liabilities of the Customer to the Contractor under this Agreement shall be limited and/or exempted as follows:

(a) In respect of any claim of the Contractor governed by an applicable international convention or mandatory national law governing the liability of owners and/or charterers (including without limitation charterers of slots) and/or operators and/or managers of ships and/or contractual carriers, or as may be limited by the Customer’s Bill of Lading, to the amount applicable or apportioned as a result of the invocation of a limitation of liability or any defense, exemption or exclusion from liability including by establishment of a limitation fund under such convention, law or Bill of Lading;
(b) The Contractor shall make no claim against the Customer for an amount less than US$500 (five hundred United States dollars) per incident or series of incidents arising from a common cause; and
(c) Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, in no circumstances shall the Customer be liable to the Contractor for any indirect or consequential loss or damages incurred or suffered by the Contractor including but not limited to loss of business, loss of earnings or profits.


(a) 碼頭公司依照國際公約或國家強制法令規範船東、傭船人(包括但不限於艙位租用)、船舶營運人、管理人,及(或)契約運送人部分所為的索賠,或受限於客戶提單條款,將因責任限制條款的適用、責任的抗辯、免除或排除(包括因前開公約、法令或提單所成立的責任基金),而受限於適用或分攤的額度。
(b) 凡因一般原因所造成的單一事件或一連串事件的賠償金額,少於美金500元者,碼頭公司同意不向客戶進行索賠。
(c) 除非本約另有明文規定外,碼頭公司對於任何間接性或結果性的滅失或毀損,包括但不限於商業上的損失、營業上或利潤上的損失等,不得向客戶請求賠償。

In the event any claim is made against the Contractor by any third party in connection with the performance of the Container Terminal Services, the Customer shall indemnify the Contractor in respect of liability, loss or damage (including all reasonable legal fees) arising out of any such third party’s claim, but only to the extent that such liability, loss or damage is caused by a negligent act, fault or omission of the Customer.

In case of any claim for loss, damage or injury/death, the Contractor shall without undue delay notify the Customer of any such claim which the Contractor considers to have been caused by the Customer and shall take such action and give such information and assistance, as the Customer may reasonably request.

Mitigation: Notwithstanding any other provision herein, both the Contractor and the Customer shall, at all times, take all reasonable steps to minimize and mitigate any loss, damage and/or costs and expenses for which the relevant Party is entitled to bring a claim against the other pursuant to this Agreement.

如同前述,這裡的「責任、補償與責任限制」條款,可以說是「船舶貨物裝卸承攬契約」中最重要,且最具關鍵性的部分,在談完「碼頭公司應該負的責任與補償」部分之後,即談及「客戶的責任與補償」部分。兩相比較,兩者間的責任與補償有其共通之處,譬如說:均祇對於「違約責任」負責(the Breach of Contract),而不觸及到所謂「侵權責任」的問題(the Tort)(當然除非因客戶的故意失當行為,造成第三者的人身傷亡,始有「侵權行為」的問題)。另,客戶對於所謂「間接性損害」或「結果性」的滅失或毀損,亦明白表示毋庸負責。與「碼頭公司」的責任相同,在這裡「客戶」亦明白放棄對於小額案件的索賠(即少於美金500元的損害案件)。


拾、【求償通知(Claim Notification)】:
(a) Either Party must without undue delay notify the other of an event which customarily a survey of loss or damage.
(b) The Customer shall not be entitled to pursue a direct claim against the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement unless the Customer has notified the Contractor of the claim not later than six (6) months after becoming aware of the event or occurrence giving rise to the direct claim, and shall have brought a formal claim or commenced formal proceedings in respect of the direct claim not later than twelve (12) months after becoming aware the event or occurrence giving rise to the direct claim, unless prior extension has been requested and granted.
(c) In respect of any claim or action arising under or connected with any indemnity in favor of the Customer contained in this Agreement, the Customer shall:
(i) within six (6) months of becoming aware of the claim or action against it, notify the Contractor in writing of the claim or action (the “Customer Indemnity”) against which the Customer is seeking to be indemnified together with all details of the Customer Indemnity in the actual knowledge or possession of the Customer at the time and becoming known to it at any time thereafter;
(ii) where the Customer Indemnity relates to a claim or action by any third party against the Customer, upon written request of the Contractor, permit the Contractor to take over the defense of such third party claim or action, provided always that it is reasonably possible and does not prejudice the Customer and that all costs of defense are borne by the Contractor.
(a) 任何一方遇有需要調查毀損或滅失情況時,應毫不遲疑地立即通知他方。
(b) 假若客戶未能於知悉事件發生後的6個月內向碼頭公司提出索賠,12個月內正式提出訴訟,除非前開期限有經提出延期並獲得許可,否則客戶即無法依約向碼頭公司直接求償。
(c) 任何依約有利於客戶的索賠或求償,客戶應該
(i) 於知悉後6個月內書面通知碼頭公司,據實以告所有詳細內容,並負責隨時補充之(此稱之為「客戶的補償」);
(ii) 當前開「客戶的補償」係有關於第三者對於客戶的索賠或求償時,則在合理可能且不影響客戶的情況下(所有抗辯費用的支出均由碼頭公司負責),應碼頭公司的書面要求,客戶允許碼頭公司負責對於此一第三者的抗辯事宜。




玖、【責任、補償與責任限制(Liability, Indemnity and Limitation of Liability)】:
Contractor’s Liabilities and Indemnity:
Without prejudice to:
- remedies for specific performance of any obligation under this Agreement; and,
- rights of termination expressly set out in this Agreement,

The remedy of the Customer in respect of any act or omission or negligence or breach/default of the Contractor or of its servants, agents or sub-contractors under or connected to this Agreement shall, with the exception of personal injury to or death of third parties or any willful acts and misconduct of the Contractor or of its servants, agents and sub-contractors, be for damages(s) in contract and in lieu of (and not cumulative with) any other rights in tort.

The Customer shall notify the Contractor without under delay upon becoming aware or any matter which gives rise to or may give rise to a claim for loss or damage(s) under this Agreement stating in reasonable detail the nature of the matter and claim, and so far as practicable, the amount claimed.


The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Customer against any liability for claims or legal actions of any kind, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of:
(a) loss of, damage to and/or delay in delivery of any Customer Containers whilst in the custody and/or control of the Contractor, its servants, agents or sub-contractors;
(b) loss of, damage to and/or delay in delivery of any Cargo in the charge of the Customer, its agent, sub-contractors or their assignees whilst in the custody and/or control of the Contractor, its servants, agents or sub-contractors;
(c) loss of or damage to and/or delay to any Customer Container Ship (including, but not limited to, gear and other equipment) whilst at the Terminal;
(d) loss of, damage to and/or delay in delivery of any Hazardous Cargo in the custody and/or control of the Contractor, its servants, agents or sub-contractors; and
(e) injury or death to any person including where caused by or arising out of bad stowage of and in Containers stuffed by the Contractor, its servants, agents or sub-contractors

caused, in each case, by the breach/default or negligence of the Contractor, its servants, agents or sub-contractors.

(a) 在碼頭公司、其雇員、代理人,或次承攬人管領範圍內的客戶貨櫃,發生滅失、毀損,及(或)遲延交付;
(b) 在碼頭公司、其雇員、代理人,或次承攬人管領範圍內,對於客戶、其代理人、次承攬人,或受讓人所負責處理的貨物,造成滅失、毀損,及(或)遲延交付;
(c) 客戶貨櫃船停泊在碼頭時,所發生的滅失、毀損,及(或)遲延(包括,但不限於,起重吊桿及其他設備);
(d) 在碼頭公司、其雇員、代理人,或次承攬人管領範圍內,對於「危險貨品」所造成的滅失、毀損,及(或)遲延;及
(e) 因碼頭公司、其雇員、代理人,或次承攬人不正確的貨櫃堆疊,所導致的人員傷亡。


The maximum liability of the Contractor to the Customer in relation to each incident shall:
(a) in the case of loss of, damage to and/or delay in delivery of any Customer Containers be the lesser of either the depreciated value of the Container or the actual cost of repair, if in the Customer’s absolute discretion the affected Container is repairable, provided that in no-circumstances shall the liability exceed:

Two thousand five hundred US Dollars (USD 2,500) in the case of any regular 20’ dry Container;
Three thousand nine hundred US Dollars (USD 3,900) in the case of any regular dry Container of more than 20’ in length;
Twenty five thousand US Dollars (USD 25,000) in the case of any 20” reefer Container; and
Twenty eight thousand US Dollars (USD 28,000) in the case of any reefer Container of more than 20” in length:

The depreciated value of the Container shall be calculated on the basis of the respective value above with a straight line depreciation of 5.5% per annum from the date of manufacturing as per the Container’s container safety certificate until the day before the incident. However, the depreciation value shall in no circumstances be less than 40% of the respective value above.
(b) in the case of loss of or damage to and/or delay to any Customer Container Ship be limited to twenty million US Dollars (USD 20,000,000);
(c) in the case of injury or death to any person be limited to one million US Dollars (USD 1,000,000) per person.

Provided further that, in the cases of loss of, damage to and/or delay in delivery of any Cargo and Hazardous Cargo in no circumstances shall the Contractor’s liability exceed:

 the limits of liability upon which the Customer could rely in a claim brought against it in accordance with the terms and conditions contained within the Customer’s standard bill of lading or other contract of carriage in respect of the Cargo or Hazardous Cargo in question or,
 such other sum as the Customer may finally be adjudged to pay in respect of any cargo liability or, if applicable,
 the Customer Container Ship’s limitation fund

and on the understanding that if the Customer has agreed with any third party to increase the limits of its liability in any bill of lading or other contract of carriage in the case of valuable Cargo, Hazardous Cargo or otherwise, such increased limits shall only apply if the Customer shall have first notified the Contractor of such increased limits and the Contractor has agreed to accept such limits.
(a) 如果是客戶貨櫃的滅失、毀損或遲延者,則須視貨櫃的折舊價值或實際維修費用孰者為低為準(假設客戶判斷該貨櫃仍能修復的話),但無論如何其賠償責任不得超過:

一般20呎乾櫃 :美金2,500元
超過20呎的一般乾櫃 :美金3,900元
20呎冷凍櫃 :美金25,000元
超過20呎的冷凍櫃 :美金28,000元

(b) 如果是客戶貨櫃船舶的滅失、毀損或遲延者,則限於美金2千萬元;
(c) 如果是人員傷亡者,則限於每個人美金1百萬元。

 依該貨物或危險貨物的提單或運送契約條款,客戶所得主張的責任限額,或
 客戶得最終自行調整的金額,或
 客戶貨櫃船舶的責任限制基金(如果適用的話)。


The limitation(s) of liability per incident set out in the above mentioned shall relate to the whole of any losses and/or damages which may arise upon any one distinct occasion, although such losses and/or damages may be sustained by more than one person, and shall apply whether the liability arises at common law or by statute and notwithstanding such common law or anything contained in such statute.

Any liabilities of the Contractor to the Customer under this Agreement shall be limited and/or exempted as follows:

(a) Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, in no circumstances shall the Contractor be liable to the Customer for any indirect or consequential loss or damages incurred or suffered by the Customer including, but not limited to, loss of business, loss of earnings or profits;
(b) The Customer shall make no claim against the Contractor for an amount less than US$500 (five hundred United States dollars) for any single incident or series of incidents arising from a common cause;
(c) Unless stuffed and/or packed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall not be liable for loss or damage to any Cargo caused by insufficient protection or packing of the Cargo within the Container;
(d) The Customer shall not make any claim or allegation against any employee or agent of the Contractor which imposes or attempts to impose upon any such person any liability whatsoever or howsoever arising including any liability for negligence in connection with the Cargo or their carriage or handling, the provision of Terminal services or actions or omissions of any visitor of the Customer; and
(e) The Customer shall incorporate in its bill of lading to be issued for all Cargo carried by the Customer and loaded or discharged at the Container Terminal, a term providing that the Contractor shall be entitled to the benefit of all defences and limitations of liability, to the extent they are available to the Customer.


(a) 除本約另有明文規定外,碼頭公司絕不對於任何間接、結果性的毀損或滅失向客戶負責,包括,但不限於,營業上的損失,及收入或利潤上的損失。
(b) 凡因一般原因所造成的單一事件或一連串事件的賠償金額,少於美金500元者,客戶同意不向碼頭公司進行索賠。
(c) 除非係由碼頭公司進行貨物的裝填,否則碼頭公司針對貨櫃內因為包裝不當或保護不足所造成的貨物毀損或滅失,並不負擔任何責任。
(d) 客戶不得向碼頭公司的受僱人或代理人進行任何訴訟或索賠程序,企圖要求這些人對於貨物運送或處理上的過失、碼頭所提供的服務,或客戶的訪客的作為或不作為所造成的損失負責。
(e) 針對在本貨櫃碼頭裝卸運送的貨物,客戶應於提單中加註碼頭公司亦得主張其所得享有的責任限制條款及抗辯。


首先,條款中針對碼頭公司對於客戶所應該負的責任即開宗明義地限制在所謂「違約責任」(the Breach Contract Liability)的範圍內,並不包括所謂的「侵權行為責任」部分(the Tort Liability)(除非係攸關第三者的人員傷亡事件,或碼頭公司本身的故意失當行為所造成的,始有涉及「侵權行為」的問題)。另,針對客戶的貨櫃、亦或是貨物,凡祇要係置放於碼頭公司的管領範圍內所發生的滅失、毀損或遲延,碼頭公司均需對此負責。祇是其前提仍必須是碼頭公司在履約時有過失者,始得為之。在前開「過失責任」前提成立下,碼頭公司對於客戶的貨櫃、船舶,與人員傷亡的損害賠償限額,亦明文設定「限額」。針對客戶的貨物或危險貨物滅失、毀損的賠償額度,亦限制在客戶提單所訂定的賠償限額內。最後,針對事故損失在美金500元以內的話,客戶亦同意放棄主張,以減少契約雙方在文書作業上所產生的時間與費用浪費(待續)。


陸、【帳單與付款(Invoices and Payment)】:
The Customer shall pay the Contractor for the Container Terminal Services performed in accordance with the confidential schedule of rates hereto, which shall remain fixed for the duration of the Term unless otherwise adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this Clause.

If the Contractor is requested by the Customer to perform services other than Container Terminal Services set out herein, the Contractor shall perform such other services at rates and terms to be agreed between the Parties.


The Contractor shall, following each port call by a Customer Container Ship and without undue delay and no later than seven (7) days thereafter, submit an invoice covering the port call of that Customer Container Ship which shall include details and amounts charged for the use of the Container Terminal Services during that port call as well as supporting vouchers and sub-vouchers.

Any such disbursements must properly accounted for port call by port call and duly supported by vouchers and/or sub-vouchers. All supporting vouchers and/or sub-vouchers shall be in English, or accompanied by a true English translation, and shall clearly state the Container Terminal Services and any other services rendered and their purpose.


All invoices shall be properly supported by a summary sheet containing confirmation of the matters to which the invoice relates.

The Customer shall pay all due and undisputed invoices or parts thereof into the account of the Contractor designated in the Contractor’s invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of each such invoice. If, notwithstanding this, the Customer pays any invoice within ten (10) days of receipt of such invoice, a rebate of three (3) percent shall apply and may be deducted by the Customer from the invoice before the Customer effects payment.

All undisputed invoice amounts which remain unpaid beyond the aforesaid thirty (30) day period shall bear interest at the annual rate of three (3) percent above the minimum lending rate set by the national or central bank, as applicable, of the country or territory of the relevant currency for any period after each amount has become overdue. Any invoice amounts which are disputed by the Customer shall only entitle the Customer to withhold payment of those amounts of the invoice which are in dispute.



In so far as an amount of an invoice is disputed such dispute shall be resolved between the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Applicable Law and Jurisdiction save that for a period of thirty (30) days from the date on which the Customer raised the dispute the Parties shall endeavor to resolve the same amicably through good faith negotiations. Following resolution of the dispute any amount agreed or found to be payable by the Customer shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of resolution without accruing any late payment interest.

The Contractor will accept self-billing via EDI if and when the Customer is able to perform this. The terms of such EDI self-billing are to be agreed between the Parties.



柒、【查核權(Right to Audit)】:
The Contractor shall and will procure that its sub-contractors shall, maintain true and complete records, books and systems in accordance with any applicable law and regulations, good business practices. Contractor and its sub-contractors shall retain all records, books and systems entries for the longer of twenty six (26) months or any retention requirements by law or regulation, save always that, in respect of any records, books and systems entries relating to a claim, such records, books and systems entries shall be retained until such time as that claim has been finally resolved, and Contractor shall prepare such documents, papers and reports in respect of the Container Terminal Services as may reasonably be required by the Customer, or by any competent authority or body.

The Customer may, from time to time, by written notice to the Contractor, request and then make, an audit of all records, books, papers, documents and systems in relation to the Container Terminal Services and otherwise related to the performance by the Contractor of its obligations under this Agreement. Any such audit shall be performed during normal office hours at the Customer’s cost, but the Contractor shall provide every assistance to the Customer when performing such audits.



捌、【代表委員會(Representative Committee)】:
The Parties shall establish a representative committee comprising representative of the Contractor and the Customer to act on their respective behalves to meet no less frequently than every two (2) months during the Term to discuss as a minimum the following issues:

(a) Operating requirements;
(b) Performance standards;
(c) Berthing schedules; and
(d) Operation safety.
(a) 營運需求;
(b) 執行表現水準;
(c) 靠泊計劃;及
(d) 營運安全。



The Customer may, subject to prior notification in writing to the Contractor, appoint an agent in respect of the Container Terminal Services and other services and facilities provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement, in which event, the Customer shall be deemed to have authorized the Agent to act on the Customer’s behalf in respect of all matters hereunder including to pay to or receive from the Contractor all sums due under this Agreement unless the Customer notifies the Contractor to the contrary at the time of such appointment or any time thereafter and:

(a)The Contractor shall be entitled at any time and from time to time hereafter, to act upon any instruction, request, notice or other communication from the Agent without prior reference to the Customer and to receive from and to pay to the Agent any sums due under this Agreement (including any rebate);

(b)Any payment made by the Contractor to the Agent pursuant to this Agreement shall be held by the Agent in trust for the Customer and the receipt of the Agent of such payment shall be a full and sufficient discharge of the Contractor in respect of such payment;

(c)Any payment made by the Contractor to the Agent pursuant to this Agreement shall only be made to the Agent for the time being when such payments fall due without any apportionment or deduction whatsoever with any other person;

(d) The power granted to the Contractor under sub-clause (a) above shall continue until the Contractor receives notice from the Customer to cease acting upon such communication or to cease the receipt and/or making of such payments from and to the Agent thereafter.


柒、【客戶與碼頭公司的聲明、保證與承諾(Representations, Warranties and Undertakings of the Customer and Contractor)】:
The Customer hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Contractor that:

Its shall, throughout the Term, pay the Rates and all other amounts agreed to be paid by it under this Agreement for Container Terminal Services or such other services provided to it;

It shall, throughout the Term, comply fully with the terms of this Agreement and all applicable laws and regulations issued by any competent authority having jurisdiction;

It shall, throughout the Term, be duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the place of its incorporation, have full power to carry on its business and own its property and to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement, - and shall, throughout the Term, comply with all statutory and other requirements relative to its business:-
(a) it has taken all necessary corporate and other steps and has obtained all necessary consents and approvals (if any) to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement;
(b) this Agreement, as executed and delivered, constitutes and continues, throughout the Term, to constitute, valid and legally binding obligations on the Customer in accordance with its terms; and
(c) it shall, throughout the Term, observe and comply with all operating requirements regarding the Customer Container Ships and Customer Containers imposed by the Contractor pursuant to the laws of the jurisdiction where the Port is situated, or as otherwise accepted by the Customer.
(a) 為執行與履行本約,其已經採取所有必要的步驟,亦已取得所有必要的同意與許可;
(b) 本約經簽署成立生效之後,於效期內有效約束客戶依約履行的義務;
(c) 其於契約效期內,應遵守碼頭公司針對船舶與貨櫃依法所頒行的操作規則,或其他客戶所願意遵守的規則。


The Contractor hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Customer that:

It has obtained and will, throughout the Term, obtain and maintain in full force and effect all consents, licenses, authorizations, approvals, exemptions of any governmental, fiscal, monetary or other agency or authority and all other acts, conditions or things necessary for or required to ensure (i) the due execution, delivery and performance by it of and under this Agreement (ii) its compliance with, and performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and (iii) the legality and validity of and the enforceability against it of, or admissibility in evidence of, this Agreement,

(a) it shall, throughout the Term, be duly incorporated, validly exist and in good standing under the laws of the Port is situated, have full power to carry on its business and own its property and to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement, and shall, throughout the Term, comply with all statutory and other requirements relative to its business. Each Party agrees to furnish the other Party such evidence of its due authorization and execution of this Agreement as the other Party may reasonably require.
(b) this Agreement, as executed and delivered, constitutes and continues, throughout the Term, to constitute, valid and legally binding obligations on the Contractor in accordance with its terms;
(c) it shall throughout the Term, comply fully with the terms of this Agreement and with all applicable laws and regulations issued by any authority having jurisdiction;
(d) it shall, throughout the Term, cooperate with the Customer to reduce the costs incurred in respect of the Container Terminal Services provided to the Customer and its Container Ships and when any such reduction is attributable to the joint efforts of the Contractor and the Customer, the benefit of such reductions shall be shared equally between the Contractor and the Customer;
(e) it shall throughout the Term be fully compliant with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) and, upon request, provide the Customer with documentation of such compliance, and promptly advise the Customer of issues of non-compliance and/or where certificate is withdrawn;
(f) assist the Customer, at the Customer’s cost and expense and as the Customer reasonably requires, to obtain and maintain all licenses and permits necessary for the Customer to operate and to continue operating at the Container Terminal.

(a) 其於契約效期內,依港口所在地國的法律合法成立、生效與營業,有權執行業務與擁有自己的資產,及依約履行其義務。其於契約效期內,會遵守所有攸關其營業上的所有法令及其他要求。在合理的請求下,契約的一方同意提供他方其有合法授權及執行契約的證明;
(b) 本約一經簽署即於約定效期內,構成約束碼頭公司依約履行的義務;
(c) 其於契約效期內會嚴格遵守本約的規定,及其他管轄機關所頒行的法令;
(d) 其於契約效期內會與客戶攜手合作,以降低有關貨櫃碼頭服務的所有成本與費用。若雙方共同降低成本與費用的努力有成,則所生的利益應由碼頭公司與客戶平均分享;
(e) 其於契約效期內應嚴格遵守「國際船舶與港口設施保安規則」(the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)),及應客戶的要求提供遵守的證明。除此之外,亦應該立即通知客戶若其有任何未能遵守及(或)證書被撤銷的情況;
(f) 以客戶的費用及依客戶的合理要求,協助客戶取得及維持所有客戶於貨櫃碼頭運作所需的證書與核准函。

與前開「客戶的聲明、保證與承諾」做一比較,這裡祇不過是要求的項目顯然增多而已,尤其是有關碼頭營運的政府許可證書,及「國際船舶與港口設施保安規則」(ISPS Code)遵守,則是最大的不同點。碼頭公司在審閱契約條款的時候,即應自忖其是否可以達到這些要求。若有任何困難,即應該立即提出修正的要求,免得屆時無法遵守,而造成違約的情況發生。其實所有的契約磋商過程都一樣,在當事人收到契約稿本的時候,即應該謹慎地仔細研讀,預想未來是否會有任何履行上的困難,及所有可能會發生的情況,始得「防範於未然」,讓整份契約能夠走的長長遠遠、平平順順。蓋當事人莫不希望契約一經簽署完成,即可以束之高閣,毋庸再予理會矣。祇是這種「理想狀況」,有賴當事人的努力以赴,與諸多因素的配合,才有可能達成(待續)。