2011年9月16日 星期五




貳、【契約效力所及的範圍(Scope of Agreement)】:
The Contractor shall, throughout the Term, provide the Container Terminal Services, together with such other services as may be required by the Customer and agreed by Contractor from time to time, in or around the Port. The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, provide the Container Terminal Services in an efficient, economical and prudent manner, in accordance with sound operating practices and applicable law and regulations.
本文中所謂的「貨櫃碼頭服務」(the Container Terminal Services),其實係一「定義」的條款,而在定義中針對此一名詞的說明則為「碼頭公司依本約的規定,所提供予客戶的服務及(或)設施,包括雙方得隨時同意所加入的其他服務在內」(means the services and/or facilities to be provided at the Container Terminal to the Customer as set out in the Agreement including all such other services which may be agreed between the Parties from time to time)。然本文的重點應該著重在碼頭公司的履約態度,簡言之其乃係依照所謂一「謹慎合理的人」來履行本約的義務,故其注意義務應該比一般人及處理自己事務的注意程度要來得高。另,除此之外,碼頭公司的履約亦應依照法令及所謂業界的慣行為之。祇是何謂「業界的慣行」則為一不確定的「概念」,有待進一步的事實蒐證來支持此一觀念的說法,自不待言。

This Agreement shall apply to all Customer Container Ships and Customer Containers and Cargo entering, remaining in or leaving the Container Terminal. Notwithstanding this, from time to time should any Customer Containers and Cargo enter, remain in or leave the Container Terminal while subject a third party’s management where operation is performed for and/or services provided to or on behalf of such third party and regulated under a separate agreement between such third party and Contractor, this Agreement shall not apply to such Customer Containers, Cargo and operation or provision of services.

參、【集團簽署條款(Group Contracting Clause)】:
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the Contractor shall upon request of any company or entity in the Customer’s Group enter into an agreement to provide the Container Terminal Services and/or such other services as may be agreed on terms no less favorable to such company or entity than the terms of this Agreement, as amended from time to time.

If this Agreement requires the Contractor to give priority to any vessel or cargo, the corresponding provision in an agreement under the preceding clause shall require priority only so far as there is no conflict with vessels and cargoes provided by this Agreement.

If this Agreement provides for rates, services or service levels to vary according to the volume or services required or performed, the relevant volume shall be determined by aggregation with volumes under all other related contracts. A related contract is one under which the Contractor, its parent, subsidiary, affiliated or associated company provides Container Terminal Services and/or any similar services and/or other services agreed to a company or entity whilst it is in the Customer’s Group.
「船舶貨物裝卸承攬契約」的簽約主體,雖然僅為「客戶」這一家代表簽署而已,但本條款卻將契約的適用範圍(當然包括所有的商業條件)擴大到與「客戶」同一集團的其他公司身上,可謂是所謂「One Size Fits All」的模式,爰對於同屬「客戶」於相同集團的公司,可謂是一大「利多」措施,蓋其他公司即毋庸再歷經一番激戰,就可以享有同集團公司與碼頭公司磋商之後的結果。更甚者,「客戶」亦爭取在計算「數量優惠」(volume incentive)的時候,必須將同屬集團的其他公司所貢獻的「貨量」整合計算,可謂將「集合集團整體力量與資源,以取得最大優惠」的概念推到了極致。從務實的角度言之,此舉可算是策略管理上的一大良策,頗值得具備某種規模的集團公司列為學習的教材。祇不過在同時間使用碼頭公司所提供服務的集團公司遇有「衝突」時,條款中也明白訂定,應該以代表簽約的「客戶」的次序為最優先提供服務的對象。

The Contractor may sub-contract the performance of the Container Terminal Services or any part thereof, but any sub-contracting shall in no way relieve the Contractor or any of its obligations under this Agreement and the Contractor shall remain responsible for any sub-contractor and its performance. The Contractor shall ensure that any such sub-contractors comply with and observe the terms and conditions of this Agreement as if they were an original party to this Agreement, in particular, but in no way limited to, the obligations of confidentiality provided herein below.

伍、【碼頭公司的地位(Position of Containers)】:
The Contractor shall be an independent contractor and provider and shall not in any way be entitled to bind or commit the Customer. Neither the Customer nor the Contractor shall be deemed an agent of the other hereunder and the Contractor shall in no respect be regarded as, or construed to be, an employee of the Customer.

Nothing in this Agreement shall give rise to, nor be construed as, constituting a partnership or joint venture for any purpose between the Contractor and the Customer.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Customer, the Contractor shall not appear in court, arbitration or mediation or reply to any notice of claim on behalf of the Customer or accept service of summons, writs or any other notice of claim or legal proceedings on behalf of the Customer, and shall immediately inform the Customer thereof, should the Contractor receive any such summons, writ or other notice of claim or legal proceedings.

Other than as provided in this Agreement, the Contractor shall not incur any liabilities nor make any contractual commitment on behalf of the Customer, without the prior written approval of the Customer.
在「船舶貨物裝卸承攬契約」中,由於碼頭公司與客戶之間的權義相互糾葛,恐會讓外界(甚至客戶)誤解為雙方之間有所謂的「代理」、「僱傭」、「合夥」或「聯盟」等法律關係存在,爰在契約中明白地以列舉方式說明,將有助於未來發生爭訟時有所依歸。另,契約中亦明白說明碼頭公司並非客戶在訴訟上的「送達代收人」(the process agent),其沒有義務替客戶簽收任何司法書狀,甚至代理出庭應訊。當然碼頭公司亦沒有權利以客戶之名為任何承諾或負擔義務,除非其已經取得客戶的事前書面同意(待續)。
