2013年10月7日 星期一

究竟是CMR? 還是海牙規則? (CMR –vs.- Hague Rules)


如果一票貨在國際複合運送的海運段(Sea Leg即運送人在有簽發海運提單的情況下)發生滅失或毀損的情況時,則在決定「陸路運送人」的責任時,究竟應該係適用「國際公路貨物運送公約」(the Convention on the Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Road, 簡稱CMR),亦還是海牙/海牙威士比規則the Hague/Hague Visby Rules? 著實令人納悶與不知所措。


德國聯邦最高法院(the Federal Supreme Court of Germany近期在Und Adryatik的案件[1]認為當CMR2條條款訂定的條件成就時則適用於規範陸路運送人在海運段的責任公約應該係屬海牙/海牙威士比規則而非CMR攸關此一主題其實之前在英國法規即有相同的見解可稽Thermo Engineers Ltd. and others –vs.- Ferrymaster Ltd. and other[2]


貳、【Und Adryatik案情概述

本案運送契約所涵蓋的貨物運送段,係從土耳其運送到英國與西班牙兩地。運送的肇始係由兩部卡車負責將貨物自工廠載運至土耳其的Pendik接下來則連貨帶車一起上了一艘名為Und Adryatik的滾裝輪Ro-Ro Vessel)。然不幸地是,在船舶航行至義大利Trieste港的途中發生不明火警導致船舶與貨物雙雙毀損滅失雖然失火的原因迄今未明但調查機構強烈懷疑船舶上所配置的消防防災系統」(the fire fighting system),在當時並未被有效地執行與運作




CMR2條的規定[4]簡言之即:將貨物留置在卡車上的連貨帶車運送模式,譬如說整車進、整車出的海上滾裝渡輪(Ro-Ro Sea Crossing),若發生責任議題時,則一般而言仍舊應該適用CMR的規定雖然如此然而在CMR2條條款中亦有例外規定假設貨物的毀損與滅失並非係由陸上運送人所造成的而係由其他運輸模式且僅能由該模式)所造成的話,CMR被排除適用在外而適用法律所訂定的其他規定祇是必須注意的是如果並沒有所謂其他法律所訂定的規範CMR仍應該被回歸適用



本案在初審與上訴法院階段均係由索賠人取得優勢換句話說即一審與二審的法院均支持應該係由CMR而非海牙規則來規範本案整段航程中的海運段部分一審與二審法院均認為海牙規則並非屬於所謂強制規定」,爰非CMR2條中所謂的法律所規範的條件」(the conditions prescribed by law))。全案經上訴後,來到德國的最高法院,承審法官必須就CMR2條中所謂的法律所規範的條件有所解釋與說明以利未來遇有類似情況時大家得以遵循


祇是此一問題亦點出了本案並沒有一個直接答案的尷尬,於是乎德國最高法院審視了CMR2條當初的立法背景暨考慮其他會員國家究會以何種方式來處理此一難題譬如說法國法院的司法實務見解與荷蘭法院在Hoge Raad der Nederlande[5]與英國法院在Thermo Engineers Ltd. and others –vs- Ferrymaster Ltd. and others中的看法






當德國最高法院在審視CMR的立法理由與經過時其察覺CMR立法當時其他規範空運鐵路海上運送的國際運送公約早已經存在是德國最高法院以為CMR的簽署會員國對於各種不同的運輸模式所存在的風險應早有所認知所以在若干情況下讓這些國際運送公約有其適用餘地似乎更有意義也因為如此在荷蘭的Hoge Raad案件中承審法官認為CMR所謂的法令所規範的條件」,即為這些國際運送公約」(International Transport Conventions),而英國高院在審理Ferrymaster Ltd.案件中亦持有相同的看法


綜上所陳德國最高法院以為:(當貨物的毀損滅失情事很清楚地係發生在其他運送模式上時CMR不適用;(祇要陸上運送人的作為或不作為action or omission與事故的發生無關的話則其並毋庸負責



本案在德國最高法院考量何者會是海上運送最典型的意外事故時,發現沉船、碰撞、擱淺、貨物因海水濕損,或船舶遭逢大浪時,均為形成海上貨物運送潛在危機的最可能原委,反而「失火」並不是海上運送典型的意外事故。雖然如此,大家仍一致同意「Und Adriyatik」的失火事件,會成為海上貨物運送案件上一典型的案例,從這個案例中業者可以學習到許多重要且寶貴的經驗。從本案中,我們發現在海上發生「失火」意外時,則避難措施較在陸地上將更為困難實施。換句話說,在海上失火的風險,將較在陸上失火的風險來得高(以本案為例,假設卡車當時並不在船上時,則卡車極有可能可以即時駛離失火現場。另外,不可否認的是船上的消防設備,遠不及陸地上的消防設施來得有效率)。準此,如果將「海上失火」併列為海上運送一典型的風險,亦不為過。


本案在另一方面,德國最高法院主張所謂貨物託運人(即貨物的賣方)與「另一種運輸模式」的運送人應該存在有一「虛擬」的運送合約(a fictitious contract),爰攸關責任條款悉應依照此一合約決定之。隱藏此一虛擬的合約,表示運送的海運段理應該適用海牙規則,蓋此乃在這一個範疇內應該強制適用的條款(mandatorily applicable)。換句話說,所謂在合約中提及的「法律所規範的」(prescribed by law暨陸上運送人在海運段的責任悉應該依照海牙規則來決定而非CMR全文完)。

[1] Und Adryatik201112151 ZR12/11 – DLG Munchen
[2] [1981] 1 All ER
[3] 索賠人此一主張乃係依據CMR17條的規定:「1. The carrier shall be liable for the total or partial loss of the goods and for damage thereto occurring between the time when he takes over the goods and the time of delivery, as well as for any delay in delivery.  2. The carrier shall, however, be relieved of liability if the loss, damage or delay was caused by the wrongful act or neglect of the claimant, by the instructions of the claimant given otherwise than as the result of a wrongful act or neglect on the part of the carrier, by inherent vice of the goods or through circumstances which the carrier could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent.  3. The carrier shall not be relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition of the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage, or by reason of the wrongful act or neglect of the person from whom he may have hired the vehicle or of the agents or servants of the latter.
[4] CMR2條規定:「1. Where the vehicle containing the goods is carried over part of the journey by sea, rail, inland waterways or air, and, except where the provisions of article 14 are applicable, the goods are not unloaded from vehicle, this Convention shall nevertheless apply to the whole of the carriage.  Provided that to the extent it is proved that any loss, damage or delay in delivery of the goods which occurs during the carriage by the other means of transport was not caused by act or omission of the carrier by road, but by some event which could only occurred in the course of and by reason of the carriage by that other means of transport, the liability of the carrier by road shall be determined not by this convention but in the manner in which the liability of the carrier by the other means of transport would have been determined if a contract for the carriage the goods alone had been made by the sender with the carrier by the other means of transport in accordance with the conditions prescribed by law for the carriage of goods by that means of transport.  If, however, there are no such prescribed conditions, the liability of the carrier by road shall be determined by this convention.  2. If the carrier by road is also himself the carrier by the other means of transport, his liability shall also be determined in accordance with the provisions paragraph 1 of this article, but as if, in his capacities as carrier by road and carrier by the other means of transport, he were two separate persons」。
[5] Hoge Raad dated 29 June 1990
